
How to measure the difficulty of crushing materials?

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There are many materials that need to be crushed in industry, such as rocks, coal mines, stones, etc., so how should we judge the difficulty of crushing these different materials? And what kind of crusher should be selected for crushing?

1. Strength.
The strength of the so-called solid material is also the resistance of its crushing resistance. These are usually expressed in terms of compressive strength, tensile strength, shear strength and flexural strength measured under static load. Among them, the compressive strength is larger, then the shear strength is secondary, and the bending strength is small, and the tensile strength is small. Generally measured by the compressive strength of solid waste: the material under the condition of compressive strength greater than 250MPa is a hard solid waste; 40 to 250 MPa for medium hard solid waste; Less than 40MPa is soft solid waste. The more mechanically strong the solid waste, the more difficult it is to break. The mechanical strength of solid waste is related to its particle size, and the macroscopic and microscopic fractures of waste particles with small particle size are smaller than those of large particle size, so the mechanical strength of the crusher is higher and the crushing is more difficult.

2. Hardness.
Hardness is the ability of solid waste to resist mechanical intrusion by external force crusher. Under normal circumstances, the harder the solid waste, the greater the difficulty of crushing, and vice versa.

The above are the basic factors to measure the difficulty of crushing materials.

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